Media Buying

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Let's Expose Your Business

At BrandMonk Digital and Creative Media, we transform ideas into digital masterpieces.

What Does Our Media Buying Services Include?

When you invest in our Media Buying Service, you get a Customized solution tailored to meet the needs of your business and connect potential customers to your website, ranging from demographic, psychographic, geographic targeting, and more. Take a look at a breakdown of what our web design services include;

✔️ Buying Already Established Social Media Pages

We legally buy Instagram accounts with real followers for businesses that want to jump-start their digital marketing strategy. For instance, there are reality TV shows that have temporary Social Media Pages created for them, which grows exponentially. After the show the account becomes dormant. Accounts like this can be purchased for clients.

✔️ Directly Buy The Ad Positions of A Website

We help our clients by going right to the source. We contact the website publisher directly and work out the placement with their ad team. When it comes to reaching an audience in a premium and highly creative way, we’ve found that “site direct buys” work best for our clients.

✔️ Network Media Buying

For interested businesses, ads are placed in the network of sites to increase overall impressions. We help clients initiate contact with prospective customers in the online space during the most opportune times. Our online media plans reach into life stages, buying and business cycles and behavioural moments that provide immediate results, ROI and marketing intelligence.

✔️ Self-serve Ad Buying

For clients who want to have the freedom to choose, we create an account for them, and let them manage their accounts and place the ads as they wish. It is one-time setup that works well for clients who have experience in self-serve ad buying.

Why You Need This Service

✔️ Expertise

There are many factors that go into planning and developing a successful media strategy. An expert media buyer like ours will evaluate your overall goals and determine which media outlets are best suited for generating qualified leads or raising awareness for your campaign and we are knowledgable on both traditional and digital marketplace trends

✔️ Evaluation

If you’re single-handedly completing the media buying process, you may not have the time to properly evaluate your campaigns once the media is placed. However, completing a thorough audit of each media placement is crucial in determining the success of your campaign. At BrandMonk Media, we track campaign performance and make sure that any discrepancies are promptly made good by the vendor so your advertising don’t go to waste.

✔️ Better Rates

Over time, buyers form strong relationships with their vendors, establishing both trust and an understanding of each other’s expectations. This ensures both parties work in your best interest and that you get the most out of your advertising.

✔️ Beat DIY Media Buying with Media Buying Services

Whether you’re looking to advertise on digital or traditional platforms or if you aren’t sure which medium is best for you, an agency that specializes in media buying services can help determine the best route to take in order to reach your brand’s goals.

Let's Get Started

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Contact us today to get started on your branding and identity journey with BrandMonk Digital and Creative Media . We look forward to helping you tell your brand’s unique story and make a lasting impact in the marketplace.